"Brahman is not known by those who know it, and known by those who know it not."


This artwork is a collaboration between Break Your Crayons (Marc Whitelaw) & NoCreative (Kristian Levin).

It was minted on
Makersplace and sold for 1.0164 ETH ($4100).

The Stoics believed that everything around us operates according to a web of cause and effect, resulting in a rational structure of the universe they called: Logos.

As humans we have a very peculiar consciousness that is aware of what it is perceiving and further more identifies with its awareness. This self-identification is generally regarded as Ego.
As a result of our ego we tend to feel as though we are detached from what we are observing.

If there is an ‘I’ or ‘Me’ observing, then ‘I’ must not be what I am observing. That my internal must be separate from my external. In Zen teachings this concept and feeling is not only incorrect, it is the source of most of our alienation, anxiety, suffering and subsequent animosity.

Everything needs everything else, in order to be anything at all.


This artwork by Kristian Levin served as the building blocks for our collaboration.

The brutalist architecture contrasted by the soft curved lines of the cloth served as a foundation for the human vs nature commentary we see in Logos.

Humans are not imposing themselves onto nature. Nature is imposing itself onto itself. We are not separate. We are one.

The description implies that; the more you think you know about life, the less you actually do. The more you let go and forget about the meaning of it all, the closer you are to understanding its true purpose.

If Logos made you stop and forget about everything while you were viewing it, then in that moment it has brought you closer to the true meaning of our reality.